Channel Sponsorship
Explore how Proto Ventures enables you and your organization to access the innovative people, ideas and technologies across MIT to create new pathways to transformative technology ventures.
Proto Ventures has created a repeatable process for venture creation. The Proto Ventures model is to find a real-world problem that needs solving, connect with MIT researchers to engineer solutions with entrepreneurial potential, and identify business opportunities associated with solving that problem.
The goal is to accelerate the creation of ventures from MIT. Rather than starting with a solution, Proto Ventures starts by defining unrecognized opportunities around problems and technology spaces – a channel. Proto Ventures then identifies hidden white spaces within MIT research and technology to solve that problem.
Like a private-sector venture studio, Proto Ventures curates ideas from within MIT’s ecosystem of labs and shepherds them to market. A key distinction from private-sector studios is that Proto Ventures is deeply embedded within the MIT research community and does not take equity in the ventures it creates. We start with problems first – seeking out the world’s hardest problems then building ventures to solve them.
Unlocking Tomorrow’s Innovations:
A Unique Investment Opportunity at MIT
High Impact: Catalyze the creation of high-potential projects that can change industries and create lasting global impact.
Unique Access: Secure a front-row seat, putting you in a privileged position for follow-on investment opportunities in MIT’s next big spinoff.
Direct Involvement: Shape new ventures from the idea stage, leveraging your unique expertise and influence.
The Need: Each Venture Builder requires $0.5M to embed deep within MIT’s research labs for two years. Funding enables dedicated resources to de-risk ventures and drive them from concept to commercial success.
Your Impact: Your contribution will help create the next wave of innovation, translating MIT’s cutting-edge research into real-world solutions. Opportunities to be directly involved in ventures that align with your philanthropic or investment goals.
We’re here to discuss support for our channels and the innovations that will be born from them. Let’s discuss how we can address the world’s great challenges together.
Getting Involved
At present, there remains a significant gap in how external organizations access the MIT ecosystem of labs, technologies and innovations. The current model of funded research does not optimize around the Sponsor’s needs.
A first-in-the-world Model: The Proto Ventures program enables sponsor organizations to access the innovative people, ideas and technologies across MIT to create new pathways to transformative technology ventures.
The Proto Venture process starts with identification of opportunities around a problem space or “channel” by the Sponsor.
A Venture Builder with deep technology experience is hired by MIT to lead discovery and experimentation of opportunities around that channel with advice from domain advisors that are experienced in technology translation.
The Venture Builder and an MIT team composed of Venture Fellows will de-risk any proposed solutions during the Discovery and Experimentation phases. These activities culminate with the forming of Proto Ventures which focus on technically feasible solutions, clear value propositions, product-market fit, and beachhead customers. A select few in this stage progress further to fully incorporate as a venture outside of MIT.
Value-Driven Outcomes

Exceptional, dedicated agent to explore all of MIT (research partnerships, insider’s access to IP landscaping, licensing opportunities and talent recruitment)

Tangible (value-generating) networks created within/between MIT and the Sponsor

New venture(s) launched in partnership with extraordinary serial entrepreneur(s)
Time-Frame and Funding
The standard Proto Venture channel lasts two years and requires commitment from sponsorships. Corporations, institutions, individuals can be sponsors depending on the channel structure.